Thursday, June 25, 2009

Critters Crawling Around

Life is never dull here. Last week when we were at a local high school with our parents, helping teach in an English camp, a snake crawled by just a few feet from us while we were eating lunch!

And then... last night, this baby lizard crawled onto our mom's computer monitor. Not sure what it was after... maybe the cursor moving around? Hmmm...

And then... today our mom took us to a park for a lunch picnic. As we were leaving in our car, our mom saw a HUGE spider inside the car! We don't have a picture of it, though. We didn't see it crawl out so it might still be there! Hope not!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Jojo, the pianist

Jojo playing "Arabesque." He diligently worked on this piece for 5 weeks - from learning the notes to memorizing it.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Boom is 5!

Wow! It had already been five years since the first time we took a peek in the baby nursery at the government hospital in Sakaew city, about forty-five minutes from where we live. Bottom sticking up in the air under UV lights. We were there to visit. Who would have thought that ten weeks later he would become ours! Only God. He wrote our adoption story a long, long time ago. It is nothing short of an amazing display of God's sovereignty in the Weber and the Hongchuta families. Happy birthday Boom!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

MK Friends Again!

Last week we had an unexpected but delightful visit from our MK friends - Lindsey, Erica, Trevor, and Tyler Jones. Their family stayed for two days and it was nothing but PURE fun! Seven kids eight years and under! Mr. & Mrs. Jones minister in Surin, about five hours from where we are. The Jones and the Weber kids are homeschooled and use the same curriculum.

Aunt Jenni reading us a story
our moms took us for a lunch picnic at a
nearby park while our dads went to play golf
minus the babies
looking at the fish
playing follow the leader - Jojo was the leader, being the oldest
we abused this park dog BUT we did feed it with our lefovers
running down the hill

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

School Year is Over!

A few days ago, Jojo finished second grade and Boom-Boom finished K4. Yey! Jojo said, "The year didn't seem long." Mommy is relieved to hear that. They both have learned so much in a year - both in classroom and in life. The two boys are displaying special skills in different areas. Jojo in music; Boom in art. We can't wait what the Lord would have them do in the future.

Next school year's books are ordered. Jojo is excited about being in third grade. He wants to start right away. Hmmm.... maybe mid-July is too long of a wait. Ha ha ha! For now, Mommy just have to find something for them to do, other than watch movies and play videdo games. Swimming lessons, maybe? Well see...
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