Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ministry Helpers

We asked the boys if they were willing to scrub the chairs in preparation for the weekend English ministry.
They were so into it.
When they were done with the chairs, they asked if they could also scrub the tub where we store rain water. Sure!
Later that day we did a little bit of gardening out front. They volunteered to help.
A friend of ours drove by on her way to the market and the boys asked if they could go with her to buy drinks at 7-Eleven. We each gave them 20 baht (US$0.66) as their "wage." They were happy.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Brothers and Team Work

We think the words "brothers" and "team work" are synonyms. We argue everyday. We fight over toys and other things, but we do love each other and work together.

New School Year... Again

And so we began another school year at home. Jojo is now in 4th grade. Boom-Boom is in 1st grade. Jayjay, he's learning his colors and mastering counting through ten or twenty sometimes. But he's really not into all that school stuff yet. He's not quite three years old so he's more interested in causing trouble than anything else.

Where Did Our Summer Go?

Good question! When we started our new school year at the end of July, we asked our Mom, "But we want a two-month summer break from school!" And she said, "It has been two months, guys." Oh no!

We were having so much fun that we didn't realize it was time to start school again. During our break we went to the beach two times, went to the big city several times, stayed up late, slept in late, rode our bikes, played in the rain, jumped into mud puddles, watched reruns of "Gomer Pyle" and "Andy Griffith Show," ate popcorn for dinner, and lots more!

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